Archive for the ‘Bodybuilding and Exercise’ Category

Cardio training or aerobic exercise is any activity that employs the use of considerably large groups of muscles in a continuous and rhythmic manner throughout certain periods of time. The most common examples of which are running, skiing, skating, sprinting, tae bo, elliptical training, walking, rowing, and biking. In some cases, circuit training is also categorized as cardio training since it requires continuous movements from one form of exercise to another.


In essence, cardio training works by elevating the maximum heartbeat the organ may reach somewhere around 65-80%. This state is called aerobic or heart beat state because only in here, and in some special instances will the heart reach such great increase in heart rate. (more…)

The basics of bodybuilding for teenagers is the same as for adult bodybuilders: train right, eat right, and rest right. Because teens’ bodies are growing and have fast metabolisms, these points are more important for a teen. Before starting on a bodybuilding program, the teen and his or her parent might want to schedule a doctor’s appointment first to go over proper nutrition and the exercise routine.


The first thing a teen needs to do is eat right. Bodybuilders require more calories and more protein than nonbodybuilders. Figure out how many calories your body will need and what foods you should be eating in a day to give you those calories. Use quality protein sources, whole grains, and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. You do not have to completely give up fast food and other junk food, but limit those to one day a week. If possible, eat six times a day. Sometimes it will feel that you spend more time eating than any other activity. If so, you’re probably doing it right. In addition to eating a lot, be sure to drink a lot of water as well. (more…)

In this article you’ll learn some workout routines that you can use at home to help you with fat loss and also to gain big muscles fast. The routines will basically target primarily at your body without any fancy gym equipment.


Your days to work out are as follow:

Week 1 – Tuesday and Thursday

Week 2 – Tuesday and Thursday

Week 3 – Monday, Tuesday, Friday

Week 4 – Monday, Tuesday, Friday

Week 5 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Week 6 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

The duration of break between sets is 1 minute. (more…)

Fitness and health have been closely related ever since fitness was first defined, because this sport involves good physical shape built on good state of health. The state of health of the people who practice various sports is always in attention of the instructors.

However, there are numerous sports which are rather spectacular, but practicing them exposes the sportsmen to particular risks. Such kind of problems can appear even in the sports for amateurs; there is, of course, specific pathology for every sport. Since the body is prone to different health problems, a factor which can provoke them is the volume and intensity of training. Long distance running and jogging are extremely popular forms of training.A frequent health problem in tennis is epycondylitis or ‘the tennis player’s elbow’. Weightlifting can lead to varicous veins or high blood pressure.


Fitness tries to make every exercise useful for health and body esthetics. The type of training that is recommended is the complex one, including aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

While doing aerobic exercises, the body satisfies its need of oxygen during effort. We are talking here about all types of resistance efforts, like long distance running, ski, rowing, fast walking, swimming, cycling, speed skating, etc. The consequences of these efforts are visible, first of all, at a cardiovascular and pulmonary level. This type of exercises are the most effective in burning calories and this is why they can easily burn fat tissue, as long as they last more than 40-45 minutes without stopping. The energetic support of these efforts comes from the fat acids which are mobilized from the adipose tissue. (more…)

Performing a bodyweight workout has something for everyone.

If you have a functioning body… there is no reason to keep complaining about being out of shape.

You don’t need expensive gym memberships, costly equipment or even a lot of time to perform a highly effective bodyweight workout… and reap the rewards.

Let’s look at what a proper bodyweight workout can do for you…


1. Bodyweight Workout For Strength

When most people think about improving strength they don’t think about doing a bodyweight workout… but rather some sort of resistance training. (more…)

The most common mistake of hard gainers is spending too much time in the gym and not enough time at home on the couch and in the kitchen. If you are a hard gainer, you know it by now. You train like crazy and never build muscle. You see a little gain and then it’s gone. You go back to the gym and train even harder and longer, thinking surely this will add some poundage to this bag of bones but it does not. It is a vicious cycle that never ends …until you end it.

Chart depicting a bodybuilder gaining muscle mass over time - 3D render.

Here’s how to do it right. Hard gainers MUST train less frequently and use heavy weights. Train no more than three times per week. Forget about dumbbells. Use compound movements with barbells. Work on the core strength of the body, bench presses, dead lifts, squats, pull ups and crunches. Never get away from these exercises. Forget about isolating muscles – one handed exercises to tone… you first must build something to tone. Barbell curls will develop more core strength. (more…)

1. Know your Reasons

Think about why you want to exercise and write down every reason you can think of. Explain in full detail what working out is going to do for your life and your health. And reread your list whenever your motivation needs a boost.

2. Set Daily and Weekly Goals

Although it’s good to think big, don’t just set yourself a long-term goal because it can seem too distant from where you are now. If you have a daily or weekly challenge then you have something to achieve and motivate you right here, right now. Make sure your goals are just a little bit stretching – doing too much too soon is a prime cause of injury and exercise drop-out.maxresdefault

3. Track Your Progress

Keep a log of all your workouts. It’s amazing how quickly your fitness will improve and seeing your progress in black and white will help spur you on to keep going. Even in the early days when the going is tough and you might not have noticed any changes in your body and fitness levels an activity log gives you something to be proud of. (more…)

Skinny people can gain muscle mass and weight fast with the right combination of exercises and weight gain diet. But in order to attain a muscular physique like those of bodybuilders would require much more effort. It requires great discipline and mental focus. This article will shed some light on the exercise routines you can perform to achieve a well-defined body and gain muscle strength, muscle mass and weight.

Weight gain must not be attained by changes in diet only. Adequate exercises are required to ensure a healthy weight increase. If you are thin and just want to add some pounds to your scrawny build, you can consider working out thrice per week. For each work-out, engage in some moderate physical activities such as jogging, brisk walking or fast walking, or play a game of sport. Be sure to sweat it out for half an hour or more.


People have found it helpful to find an exercise partner, whether to go for regular runs, or work out at the gym. It wouldn’t be so boring and lonely to exercise then. Another benefit is the mutual encouragement that both of you can give to each other. This would spur you on to inculcate the discipline required to maintain an exercise regime. Research shows that if you repeatedly perform an act for 40 days, it would be ingrained in your mind as a habit. It’s little wonder that people would go on cold turkey for 40 days to quit a habit such as smoking or just about any addiction. Exercise is healthy addiction, isn’t it? (more…)

Maximum Cardio!!

Posted: August 18, 2015 in Bodybuilding and Exercise

Depending on your goals and body type, different amounts of cardio may be required. A lean “hard-gainer” trying to add mass may benefit from only one or two cardiovascular sessions per week. On the other hand, someone like myself who is extremely prone to storing fat and sensitive to carbohydrates may require 3 or more sessions in order to maintain peak physique. Since you can only get better at a particular exercise by performing it, those interested in running marathons or participating in endurance events such as a triathlon must increase their frequency of cardio in order to prepare for the event.


MAXIM 1: Your body type and goal for training will dictate the type, frequency, and length of your cardio

When your goal for cardio is general health, you have a few decisions to make about what type of cardio you will perform. Many people enjoy taking long, slow runs. Enjoying cardio is important, so if you find an enjoyable method of cardio, there is no reason why you should discard it. The same decision should influence your choice for timing. Many people claim that you must perform cardio first thing in the morning and/or on an empty stomach to see maximal benefit. I disagree. If you have trouble waking up or putting a full effort into morning cardio, and will get a much more vigorous workout in the evening, then why not do it then? Perform cardio when you feel the best, when you are ready and know you will stick with it and give it 100%. (more…)

Would you like to know a simple body building weight training tip that will explode your muscle mass? This popular body building technique has been used for years, but not talked about as much anymore. Therefore, muscle building enthusiasts are missing a huge opportunity by not taking complete advantage of this results proven muscle mass builder. Just follow the advice below, and you will quickly begin seeing more muscle on your body as you train smarter, not harder.


In body building, in order for the muscle development process to occur, there needs to be a high intensity stimulus placed upon the musculature system. When your muscles are overloaded in force greater than at a previous time, the human body requires that particular muscle group to hypertrophy, or increase larger. Thus, there is an rise in muscle strength, and size. The muscle system adapts to any added stress placed upon it. (more…)