Archive for the ‘Bodybuilding and Exercise’ Category

If you are looking for the best way build muscle, there isn’t necessarily one way that will bring you to your desired physique. In reality, it is a combination of many things that will help you build muscle the way you want to. Everything from eating right to doing the proper workout will develop your muscle mass and keep you fit. Here are the 5 best ways to build muscle.

1. Nutrition

There is no secret that nutrition plays a big factor in the way you build muscle. In order for your muscles to develop, it is vital that you are healthy and fit. Your diet and the kinds of food you eat will determine whether or not you are serious about building muscle. Although it may not seem like it, one of the best ways build muscle is through a healthy and nutritional diet.


2. Supplements

There are hundreds of different supplements on the market, but is this truly the best way to build muscle? Depending on the supplement you choose, it can certainly give you that extra boost you need to flourish. Make sure to talk with a nutritionist or health specialist so that you know exactly what you are taking. Anymore, there are a number of ingredients that are put in supplements that many people are not aware of. Find out what you are taking before purchasing it. (more…)

Calisthenics and stretching are just some of the many forms of exercises fashioned by some of the known fitness gurus of today. These two were known to be partners in the fitness world. Besides, you cannot do any exercise without doing initial stretching.

Stretching prepares your muscles for more serious muscular movements. It helps elongate, build up and lubricate muscles by the steady application of force. It is regularly done before any other exercise to intensify the series of activities in the joints. It also helps prevent muscle cramps. It can be done before and after an exercise.


Calisthenics on the other hand, is a kind of fitness training or exercise used to boost the body’s strength, stamina and flexibility. Normally, you don’t need to have weights or any other equipment to perform this kind of exercise. (more…)

So you can make it to the gym almost every day…but you just don’t have the time when you’re there. To really get optimum fat-burning and lean-muscle-building results, you have to devote at least an hour every time you show up, right? Not necessarily – with the following program, you can achieve great results with just a half-hour workout. This program is perfectly designed for the individual who can easily devote 30 minutes a day to exercise – no more, no less. The goal of this workout program is a lean body with impressive muscular tone.


The workout is based on a recovery concept. Your body actually responds to a workout during the rest and recovery period following exercise. It is during this time that the muscle rebuilding and repairing response takes place, as well as the cardiovascular adaptations that boost the metabolism and allow your body to more efficiently use oxygen and maintain fitness. By using a push-pull cycle combined with a light-heavy pattern, this workout allows for optimal recovery and maximum results. (more…)

To be the best bodybuilder that you can be, it is vital that you understand the different body types to determine which workout and dieting routine you want to follow. Every body is classified as one body type or a combination of two different types, each having a unique classification in of itself. You are going to learn all about endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph body types which will give you an idea of what type you are, and the proper plan that you should follow in obtaining the body of your dreams.


The typical body of an endomorph is soft and round. This physique presents the illusion that much of your muscle mass has been absorbed in the abdominal area. The arms and legs of the endomorph are very short in length, which is the main cause of a stalky appearance. Endomorphs usually have a high waist, and hands and feet that are small compared to the thighs and upper arms. Other features of the endomorph include a large head, broad face, fine hair, and smooth skin. (more…)

Are you bugged of waking up early in chilly mornings? Have you been tired of roaming around in the very monotonous park? Are brisk walks and jogging entailing no reduction in your weight? Are you finding it hard to burn the desired amount of calories? If yes, then its time to think about a prudent substitute that can complement all your desires. An ideal alternate is to bring home exercise equipments. Besides numerous other benefits, the most conspicuous lure of the fitness equipments is freedom from getting up early morning. These exercise machines that come in varying shapes and sizes are devised in a fashion to provide all round physical well-being to your body. For instance once you have a treadmill at your place, firstly you and your family can experience the pleasure of walk at any hour of the day even while watching your favorite TV show! Secondly, the time you desire to lose more calories due to intake of a heavy diet, you have the option to increase the speed of your treadmill to enjoy a rapid walk. Finally, purchasing these devices for your own self saves you from the hefty gym payments that you make every month. Also now you don’t have to confine your work out on a machine for 20 minutes or half an hour because of other people waiting. It is at your discretion to exercise for any number of hours on your own fitness equipment.


In fact studies have revealed that due to the aforementioned merits, millions of Americans who had abandoned their fitness and were petrified of exercises throughout their lives, are finding immense pleasure in working out on their own fitness devices. This surging health consciousness amongst people has thus resulted in a boom in the price and variety of exercise machines. More and more companies are investing in this business due to which the market for these equipments is becoming competitive day by day. One amongst several largely acclaimed names is of Hire Fitness Equipments. (more…)

One of the biggest difficulties facing bodybuilders is how can they be sure that all muscle fibers have been recruited and exhausted during a given exercise and it is only by achieving this that muscle gains can be maximized.

The simple answer is, you have work beyond failure and experience a higher level of training intensity than before. This also ensures that workouts remain challenging and continue to engender progress over time thus reducing the likelihood of regression.


But how do you go about intensifying your training? Fortunately there is a tried and tested path to follow as outlined below:

1. Increase resistance – increasing the weight lifted in meaningful increments ensures the muscle is pushed beyond its previous point of failure thus maintaining the muscle building process. Aim to increase the weight when you reach six to eight reps and failure does not occur. (more…)

There’s been a lot of buzz recently about Interval Training. So, you may be wondering what it really is and, more importantly, why you should incorporate it in your fitness workouts. Well, if you want a workout that can help propel you to the next fitness level, burn more calories, increase your speed, improve your power and more, then it’s time to learn more about this effective technique.

Young man running, slow shutter speed, motion blur

A simple definition of Interval Training is: short, high-intensity exercise periods alternated with periods of rest. These higher and lower intensity periods are repeated several times to form a complete workout . Here’s a basic example: walk for 5 minutes at 3.5 MPH, walk for 1 minute at 4.2 MPH and then repeat this sequence several times. (more…)

You don’t need a fancy pill to get big…outside I hear a five car pile up and suddenly the gym room floor has gone eerily silent. So you’re tired of the snide remarks and the giggling of muscled up girly boys in the gym? I empathize with you! So what can you do about it? Sweat it out really hard is the answer. Because the old adage of nothing being gained without some hard work runs true, even with your training regime.


Anabolism is a lab rats way of saying that your muscles are growing. Fancy pills alone will not build muscle. Only some supplements are relevant, and most of them are marketing hogwash. Here are some tips for freaky growth without popping pills: (more…)


Though there may be many reasons why you may be thin, the most apparent reason is because of your genetics. If your parents are naturally thin or have a small body frame, then you will most likely have the same small body type.

To some degree, your size can also be controlled by your metabolism. If you have a difficult time gaining weight of any kind (fat or muscle) then you most likely have a fast metabolism. That simply means that your body burns calories at a faster than normal rate. You must take this into account whenever you are considering a particular diet or training program. Is it geared towards someone with your metabolism and goal?


Now as you know, there are many ways to train. Hundreds, thousands even. Some work and some do not, but for the specific goal of gaining weight, there are a few UNIVERSAL things that all skinny guys must do.

Though much of the information I cover here is not as “magical” as you may like, I consider these rules to be the basics with regard to weight gain. These are not all of the answers, but they are definite elements that MUST be addressed in any successful weight gain program. (more…)

No Gym, No Cardio-Equipment, No Running…No Problem

When trying to burn fat, most of us think of cardio-activities such as … road running, or gym-based activities such as stationary cycling, treadmills, rowing machines. In the battle to burn fat, gym training in some form is usually seen as a pre-requisite, and if we don’t want to go to gym, we sometimes opt for home versions of cardio machines and other exercise equipment in the hope that we will burn fat whilst staying at home.


In most cases, home-based fat burning efforts usually don’t succeed. This is mostly due to a lack of motivation as there is almost always something else to do that can distract us when at home. Also, there is no-one around to motivate us. At least when you go to the gym, you’re making a concerted effort to go to a place that is designed purely for exercise, and is also full of other people who are training. The home, although a convenient exercise location, is sadly also not usually associated with hard exercise. (more…)